Get the information you need from the Electromagnetic spectrum

Turn the RF spectrum into data you can use.

Any device. Anywhere. In real time.

Get “up-to-the-instant” actionable information—no special hardware, no expert analysis, and no waiting.

With the GlobalEdge™ suite of low-SWaP, hardware-agnostic software solutions, DataShapes AI turns RF signals into immediately usable information—alerts, IDs, logs, indexes, visual common operating picture (COP), reports, analytics, and more—to give you the situational awareness you need from the electromagnetic spectrum.

GlobalEdge software solutions are embedded on the devices and systems you’re already using and use the interfaces you already know, so you can get immediately usable information everywhere you need it.

A $180 billion cybersecurity industry protects the internet, but the RF spectrum—transmitting massive amounts of information every second—is virtually unprotected.

Our mission is to convert the invisible RF spectrum into the information needed to defend our critical infrastructure, our warfighters, our communications services, and our commercial enterprises.


Who Needs GlobalEdge?

Anyone needing actionable information from the RF spectrum.

But data from the RF spectrum is only as good as the pipeline that delivers it, and—to date—that means data that’s inaccessible, hard to understand, and delivered too late to be helpful.

GlobalEdge™ changes everything.

The challenges of the RF spectrum are data challenges:


The electromagnetic spectrum is analog (not digital) and is only detectable with devices designed to receive its signals and waveforms. AI must be able to work with any spectrum sensor to let device operators "see" the “unseen” signals in real time, allowing users to detect and mitigate risks before they become serious liabilities.


Signals and waveforms are constantly changing, both naturally and by design. Likewise, sensors output signal data in a variety of formats. AI must be adaptable—it must be able to work with dynamically changing signals and waveforms and it must be able to work with any sensor output format.


Signals and waveforms are light that we cannot see, moving at inconceivably high speeds. AI must be able to keep up—not just processing massive amounts of data, but processing that data at exceptionally high speeds.


Every second, sensors are capturing multiple gigabytes (GB) of signal and waveform data from the electromagnetic spectrum. AI must be able to process these large volumes of data without depending on an internet connection or impractical hardware.

What We Offer

GlobalEdge solutions provide “up to the instant” signal intelligence and immediate situational awareness to those who need it—no matter where they are.

From software embedded on man-wearable devices, satellites, and EW systems to a common operating picture of the battlefield to deep analysis at the command center, GlobalEdge turns the RF spectrum into information you can use.

  • Our hardware-agnostic software can be embedded on any device, tablet, or computer system. It’s easily scalable to any requirement and can also work with cloud-based stores of previously collected data.

  • Our GlobalEdge software can be deployed in passive, remote environments or in high-speed, high bandwidth use cases—anywhere on land, at sea, in the air, or out in space. GlobalEdge delivers usable data immediately—without the need for teams of data and computer scientists. And because it's a low-SWaP solution, GlobalEdge needs no heavy, power-hungry server stacks and no internet connection.

  • GlobalEdge provides the latest spectrum intelligence in real time—not days later from a data analyst. Our AI technology delivers real-time autonomous learning for monitoring and passive sensing, real-time identification of known signals, and real-time, “few-shot”  learning that lets operators build models on-the-fly.

  • Real-time data is critical, but so is the original raw data that’s often needed to confirm and audit crucial information or for deeper analysis. GlobalEdge can store its metadata along with the original data so that results can be assessed and audited.

  • People need data fast and they need it in a way that lets them use it immediately. However, because most people are not experts in conventional spectrum analysis, ease of use is critical. Our GlobalEdge AI software can be embedded on the devices your people already use and trust with easy to understand user interfaces. GlobalEdge DZ aggregates GlobalEdge data to present a common operating picture.

Contact us to get started today.

There’s an urgent need for real-time spectrum intelligence.

There’s an urgent need for real-time spectrum intelligence — data you can use— that works on all RF devices without costly, impractical hardware or an internet connection. DataShapes AI addresses this need with the GlobalEdge suite of software solutions.