
Common Operating Picture (COP)

Need to understand the broad picture of spectrum activity across the battlespace?

GlobalEdge DZ offers commanders and managers a common operating picture that provides a comprehensive understanding of the spectrum battlespace.

The Common Operational Picture at the Company and Below

“COPs are only as useful as the accuracy and timeliness of their content,” write CPT Nick Gruning and SSG Vance Meier in the “Professional Forum” section of Infantry magazine.

Read the full article →

What We Offer

GlobalEdge solutions provide “up to the instant” signal intelligence and immediate situational awareness to those who need it—no matter where they are.

From software embedded on man-wearable devices, satellites, and EW systems to a common operating picture of the battlefield to deep analysis of the command center, GlobalEdge turns the RF spectrum into immediately actionable information with data you can use.

  • Our hardware-agnostic software can be embedded on any device, tablet, or computer system. It’s easily scalable to any requirement and can also work with cloud-based stores of previously collected data.

  • Our software can be deployed to in passive, remote environments or in high-speed, high bandwidth situations—anywhere on land, at sea, in the air, or out in space. It’s a low SWaP solution and needs no expensive custom systems, no heavy server stacks—not even an internet connection.

  • Everything about GlobalEdge works toward the goal of providing the latest data in real time—not days later to a data analyst. Our AI technology uses autonomous learning for “on-the-job” training along with real-time, “few-shot”  learning that requires significantly fewer data points to learn.

  • Real-time data is critical, but so is the original raw data that’s often needed to confirm and audit crucial information or for deeper analysis. GlobalEdge collects, organizes, and stores the metadata from the original data sources so that it’s ready when you need it.

  • People need data fast and they need it in a way that lets them use it immediately, so ease of use is critical. Our GlobalEdge AI software is embedded on the devices you’re already using and uses an interface you already know. And when you need deeper analysis, GlobalEdge DZ works with the visualization tools you know best.  By providing an end-to-end solution that works together seamlessly we help you get the job done.

Learn more and see GlobalEdge in action

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