“As an expert in EW/ISR, I can confidently say that DataShapes stands out as a true innovator in this crowded field.”

In June, James Spiret (aka Raven Whispers) posted that “One of the most impressive aspects of DataShapes AI technology is its hardware agnosticism.” Spiret goes on to explain the significance and importance of that unique feature. “Unlike other AI solutions that require internet connectivity or are dependent on complex proprietary hardware, DataShapes AI software operates seamlessly across various platforms without these constraints.”

Simply put, hardware agnostic means that spectrum intelligence is no longer limited by infrastructure. At DataShapes AI, our software works with any hardware and is easily embedded on any device, anywhere—without expensive, custom environments or cumbersome server towers.

Hardware agnostic is a game changer and it’s enabling, not just spectrum intelligence, but spectrum dominance. Read the rest of the Raven Whispers post. It’s a look into the future that’s already working today.

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DataShapes AI to Participate in Cyber Quest 2024