

Our suite of end-to-end software solutions for defense and commercial applications supports any deployment of any use cases at any scale for actionable spectrum intelligence in real time.

Global Edge turns RF signals into immediately actionable information.

On the ground, at sea, in the air, and out into space, RF signals provide critical information for everyone from the warfighter to the command center, and from the wireless carrier to the consumer.

GlobalEdge AI

Single or multiple serverless instances of the GlobalEdge software platform provide real-time situational awareness—autonomous detection, identification, and learning. GlobalEdge AI works on any device, with any data source, and easily scales from low SWaP COTs radios to the cloud. Special configurations are capable of processing very high-speed, broadband data—up to 1 gigabit (Gb) per second.


Networked GlobalEdge devices can generate a real-time common operating picture (COP) by fusing collected data to present a visual display of spectrum activity in a region of interest. A GlobalEdge DZ COP can include GlobalEdge data from passive, autonomous devices as well as from man-wearable tactical radios and large radio systems in the field.

What Solution Do You Need?


GlobalEdge AI delivers mobile situational awareness through man-wearable devices, passive surveillance devices, remote ocean devices, drones, EW systems, satellites, and more. It creates alerts, identifies signals, keeps logs, and produces reports.


GlobalEdge DZ aggregates data generated by devices in the field using GlobalEdge AI, and then creates comprehensive operational environment awareness through visual COP interfaces and reports. Information is immediately available and continues to be updated as more data is captured.


With the power inherent in GlobalEdge’s metadata, generate strategic insight and intelligence through a deeper analysis of large amounts of aggregated data—no matter whether it’s captured from today's tactical environment or stored in historical databases. 

Contact our solutions experts to discuss your needs

DataShapes AI is working directly with warfighters, contractors, and OEMs to integrate GlobalEdge solutions into their systems and products.

Let's work together today to solve the urgent RF spectrum challenges affecting our warfighters, our critical infrastructure, and our communications enterprises.