From the Department of Defense to Hollywood—and across every industry—there’s a huge and growing need for enterprises and organizations to “datafy” their content assets.

Why now? And exactly what do we mean by datafy?

The first question is easy to answer. Estimates are that, worldwide, we’re generating more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day—videos, images, waveforms, email—you name it. And when you add today’s data to all the data that was produced yesterday…and the day before? Well, you’re talking about a lot of data.  

The problem is that around 90% of that data is unstructured and simply can’t be used in the applications your operational workers and front-line analysts are using. That’s a lot of data sitting there. Just taking up space.

This is where datafying comes in. To datafy unstructured data means to transform it into structured data—label it, classify it, and annotate it with metadata—so people can use it in their applications, just like regular data.

DataShapes is datafying unstructured data. Fast. With its patented transformation technology, DataShapes is changing unstructured data into insight, intelligence, and information. Fast.


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Inspired by Steve